I didn’t make it to the New Year.  We celebrated at about 8:30 pm with the kids.  We poured some sparking apple juice into fancy plastic wine glasses and shouted “Happy New Year!” while DH and I pulled the strings on the little exploding confetti things.  (We were a little wary about letting the 2 and 5 year old play with explosives, even little ones.)  Of course, the first bang scared L and she threw her apple juice in the air.  I really should have seen that one coming.  Heh.  J loved the noise and started countdowns of his own “Free, Two, One!  Poosh! (exploding noise).  I wish I’d thought ahead and had the camera going for that one.  And before you think my two year old is a genius, he also counts down like this, “Nine, four, one!  Poosh!”

So I’ve already waxed poetic about my Zune, but bear with me.  I can listen to podcasts now!  Whee!  In the pre-Zune world, it actually took me days to listen to one podcast.  I’d start, then have to pause to start a DVD for the kids.  I’d start again, and I’d have to get them something to drink.  I’d start and then I’d have to remind the older one that it is no longer fun when the younger one is crying.  I’d start, then I’d have to change a diaper.  I’d start, then I’d have to remind the younger one that he is NOT Spiderman, and even if he was he wouldn’t be allowed to jump off the back of the couch…  You get the idea.  I have actually listened to more podcasts in the last few days then I’ve ever listened to.  I can blissfully take care of all those distractions (ignore my children.  Just kidding.) and listen at the same time.  Now I’m on a podcast search.  What’s everybody’s favorite podcast?  (I already listen to YarnThing.  Grins.)  I’m listening to Cast On right now.  She has pretty music.  🙂

As for knitting, I’ve finally started the Cable Luxe Maxi for my Mom.  I’m a little daunted by it’s size, but I will say it’s a smart pattern.  You get to practice just one of the cables first while you do the yoke so that you get it down before picking up the stitches to knit down the dress and it’s multiple cables.  (Thanks again Judy for showing me how to cable without cable needles!  I think I’d have to commit knitting harikari if I had to use a cable needle on this project.)

Pasta e fagioli

I made pasta e fagioli for dinner tonight.  L calls it purple soup.  Quick tip for cutting back on the time:  Our King Soopers/City Market has started offering pre chopped onions, green peppers, etc. in the frozen food section.  Well the other day I found frozen chopped carrots, onions and celery which is pretty much the base to most of the Italian meals I make.  SO excited not to have to chop stuff!  Yum!